Low Sex Desire Libido

The low sex desire is called when the desire for sex is lower than average. This decreased libido leads to un-satisfaction in opposite partner. Even the person who suffers with less i.e. diminished sexual desire & low frequency of sex suffers with various psychological depression disorders. Even the relation between the couples deteriorates.
Lack Of Desire A low or lack of sex desire may be a primary condition (where the person has never had sexual desire or interest), or it may be secondary (where the person used to have sex desire earlier).
Low or lack of sexual desire may also be either situational to the partner (where he/she has interest in other persons, but not toward the partner), or it may be general (where he/she has a lack of sexual interest in anyone)
Lack of sex desire or low sex desire could be due to psycogenic or physical causes.
Psychogenic causes can be from anxiety, dislike of partner, disturbed inter-personal relationship, depression to schizophrenia etc.
At times,communication problems, lack of affection ,conflicts, lack of time , insomnia or inadequate sleep may also be a cause for low or lack of sex desire. It may also be associated with a very restrictive upbringing concerning sex, negative attitudes toward sex, or negative or traumatic sexual experiences such as rape, incest, or sexual abuse . Occassionally, the cause may be due to relationship problems wherein one partner does not feel intimate or close to their partner.
Physical causes could be because of various drugs, either allopathic, ayurvedic, homeopathic, unani or deshi jadi-booti to hormonal disturbances, chronic diseases, Physical illnesses which causes fatigue, pain, or general feelings of malaise could also be one of the reason for low or lack of sex desire. Hormone deficiencies may occasionally be implicated. Psychological conditions such as depression and excessive stress may inhibit sexual interest.
It may also be associated with other sex problems, and sometimes may be caused by them. For example, the woman who is unable to have orgasm or has pain during intercourse, or the man who has erection problems (impotence) or retarded ejaculation, may lose interest in sex because it is commonly associated with failure or is not very pleasurable.
Physical illnesses which causes fatigue, pain, or general feelings of malaise could also be one of the reason for low or lack of sex desire. Hormone deficiencies may occasionally be implicated. Psychological conditions such as depression and excessive stress may inhibit sexual interest.
It may also be associated with other sex problems, and sometimes may be caused by them. For example, the woman who is unable to have orgasm or has pain during intercourse, or the man who has erection problems (impotence) or retarded ejaculation, may lose interest in sex because it is commonly associated with failure or is not very pleasurable.

Causes of Low libido i.e. diminished sex desire are: -

(1) Hormones Disorder:

(a) Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
 (hypothalamic or pituitary deficiencies)
Hypogonadisms, Hypothyroidisms, Testosterone deficiency, hyperprolactinemias, 
Hypogonadotropics states: Hypothalamic - pituitary deficiencies: Idiopathic GnRH deficiency, Kallman syndromes, Prader-Willi syndromes, Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndromes, pituitary hypoplasia, Trauma, post surgical, postiradiation, Tumour (Adenoma, craniopharyngioma, other), Vascular (pituitary infraction, carotid aneurysm), Infiltrative (Sarcoidosis, histiocytosis, hemochromatosis)
Autoimmune hypophysitis, drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, untreated endocrinopathies, Diabetics Glucorticoid excess, Hypopituitarisms, Cushings disease, Addisons disease. 
Isolated gonadotropin deficiency (non acquired): Pituitary, Hypothalamic 
Associated with multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies: Idiopathic pan hypo pituitarism (hypothalamic defects), Pituitary dysgenesis, Following inflammation, Infiltrative or destructive processes (autoimmune, hemosiderosis),
Fertile eunuch syndrome, Idiopathic hypopituitarism, 
(b) hypogonadism: testicular failure, development defect, drugs, trauma, congenital defect, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Chromosomal defect, testosterone hormone biosynthetic defect, Mumps orchitis leading to testicular atrophy, Primary testicular defect-disorders of testicular differentiation or inborn errors of testosterone synthesis, Klinefelter syndrome, Other X polysomies (i.e. XXXXY, XXXY)
Rainbow syndrome
(d) Hypothyroidisms
(e) Untreated endocrinopathies & Diabetics
(f) Glucorticoids excess, Cushings disease, Addisons disease
2) Excess asthenia i.e. chronic asthenia is a also a significant cause of low sex desire.
3) Sickle cell disease, chronic cardiac disease, chronic renal disorder, chronic pulmonary dysfunction, chronic hepatic disease, Infections mono-nucleosis, hepatitis, chronic balanitis, chronic prostatitis, and chronic urethritis.
4) Addiction as chronic alcoholism, chronic smoker, heroin or cannabis use.
5) Drugs: Sedative: Narcotics, tranquillizers, amphetamine, cocaine, many antidepressant, and anti-psychotics, anti -hypertensives, many other drugs.
6) Psychiatric disorder as depression, neurosis, & many other psychiatric disorders.
6) Disorders of sex centre: In the brain there is a particular center in the hippocampus part of fore brain, which regulates the desire of sex. Sex center has some well-defined portion, which control different component of normal sexuality. These are as follows as one part of sex center controls sexual desire other parts controls erection, time taken in orgasm enjoy of sexual act including enjoyment of orgasm. So any disorder of sex center due to various causes can lead to less desire. This occurs due to desire controlling portions of sex center does not work properly so that inspite of \not having any physical or mental disorders the patient desire for sex is low. Beside low sex desire patient may be sexually otherwise for or patient may be suffering with impotence, premature ejaculation.
The causes of sex centre dysfunction can be divided into two groups: (1) immediate cause, and (2) remote causes. Such a classification is helpful in the treatment of decreased libido. If the loss of desire is due to immediate causes, a removal of these factors results in adequate sexual desire. If it is due to remote causes, then detailed sex therapy may be necessary for a more lasting cure.
It can cause less sexual desire alone or patient may have associated erectile disorder, premature ejaculation, or lack of enjoyment of sex.

iagnostic Tests:

For diagnosis of cause of low libido (sex desire) detailed history is taken. After which thorough physical examination is done for relevant causes.
For diagnosis of cause of low libido following tests are required. These tests include
Complete male hormone profile (do not bold)
Thyroids test
Serum prolactin
DHT Level
Investigation for systemic diseases
Other tests which may be required depending on likelihood of the any of above causes. 
Detailed Sex Counseling: detailed sex counseling session, in which our male & female sex counselors meet with respective patient, trying to found out if there is any likelihood of sex centre disorder or other disorder as the cause of low sex desire.
In biochemistry Tests as liver function or kidney function tests are done.
These tests confirm the diagnosis of low sex desire confirmed. 


Once the diagnosis of cause of low sex desire is made, treatment includes medicines & sex therapy sessions to cure the basic cause. 

Understanding of Low Sex Desire (Libido) by Modern Medicine fails to impress most patients. Only AYURVEDIC MEDICINES HAVE PERMANENT CURE FOR Low Sex Desire (Libido).WE AT Dr.S.K.Jain’s Burlington Clinic (P) Ltd Lucknow  in valueable guidance of Dr.Saransh Jain Have Permanent Cure.

Response of treatment:

Person gets completely cured in two months time when treatment is started after the diagnosis of cause. After appropriate medicine therapy, sex education & sex therapy patient recover in two months time. The sexual desire of patient recovers. After return of libido to normal his family relationship also normalizes. 

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