Internationally renowned and recognized psycho sexologist, Dr. S. K. Jain hardly needs any introduction, but according to Dr. S. K. Jain's view "The path to his success was full of twists and turns in his life and finally leads success. He truly mentioned, “He is a doctor, his grandfather and father both are RAJVAIDYA and had strong belief in Ayurveda.” They, therefore, didn’t oppose him to have a career as an Ayurvedic doctor. BURLINGTON CLINIC is very dear to him as it was founded by Sir's grandfather in 1926 and later on it come with the name Dr. S. K. Jain’s Burlington Clinic Pvt. Ltd. After established here, he got recognition as a distinguished Psychosexual Therapist in city along with national and international fame. Thanks to the people of city Lucknow and surroundings for their trust in him and Ayurveda as well made a great recognition.
He, therefore, decided to expand his medical horizon and opened the same clinic at Karolbagh, Delhi. At present, his two highly qualified sons; Dr. Shriyansh Jain and Dr. Saransh Jain are trying their level best to become the sparkling young generation doctors of Dr. S. K. Jain’s Burlington Clinic Pvt. Ltd, following their parental fame up and up. He finally says "My best wishes will always remain with them".