As Shakespeare has mentioned in Macbeth, about the effect of alcohol on sex " provokes, and unprovokes; it provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance." It means alcohol increase the desire but it takes away the erection. Occasionally, a low level of alcohol slightly increase the sexual arousal. If a man's blood alcohol concentration exceeds more than 0.05, the sexual arousal begins to come down. (If a man consume three pags of alcohol within 1 to 2 hours, his blood alcohol concentration level reaches to approx. 0.05). With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.06, a man requires longer period for ejaculation while, at 0.09 level many men are unable to ejaculate. In women with blood alcohol concentration level of 0.04 level, the sexual arousal goes down and also reduces the intensity of orgasm. So normally, anything beyond the third drink is a sexual downer. In men with more alcohol, sexual response goes down and the subjective sense of arousal also declines. Long term effects of chronic, heavy drinking effect of alcohol on sex: